Good idea. Bad execution. Whatcha gonna do?
Friday, December 15, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Trying To Color
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Some Recent Stuffs
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Hello to Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi!!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
If you like pirates you have to check this out! It was an animation project for 5 french animation students in Paris (hence the french students). It's my new favorite thing in the world.....
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
My New Math Teacher
I started my summer semester of Math last night and needless to say my math teacher was overflowing with eccentricity. How could I not take him and make a cartoon character when his whole personality oozed with character. Here was my sketch from last night (again with the Sharpies!) and I'm sure there'll be more to come through the semester! Thanks for stopping by!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006
First Time T-Rexing
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Mike Collins
Well, many people nagged and begged and pleaded with my older brother, Mike, to start a blog of his own and he constantly shut them down. Talk about rejection! I mean, how does he keep any friends? (I'm being very sarcastic at this point) All jokes aside, David Colman paid my brother a nice compliment on his blog and after that Mike felt obligated to get a blog up. I'm happy to put a plug in for him since...well, to be honest I can't think of a good reason to....(once again I'm being sarcastic) Mike really is great! He's been my art teacher for the last year teaching me, for free, the same stuff he paid thousands of dollars to learn at a college. Sucker! Anyway, I know his blog is still new and doesn't have much up yet but be sure to bookmark and make your way back every now and then. The first picture was drawn and colred by Mike. The one below it was drawn by David Colman and cleaned-up by my bro.

The Action! Cartooning forum has a weekly challenge and this week's subject was X-Men with the opening of X-3 over the weekend. I chose to do Psylocke because she's my favorite. I think if she played hockey she'd be the ultimatum of a man's fantasy! Anywho, I finally had a chance to use my tablet again (my brother's had it for a loooong time) and I sketched this picture out. I hope to use my tablet more to sketch because I really enjoyed it! Enjoy and thanks for stopping by!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Cheap Robot Rip Off
Hundreds of Hands
Every Thursday on my other blog I draw as many hands as I can while I'm at work. My goal is to one day be able to do 100 well constructed hands as right now I can only do about 50 (and only about one-third of those are good). Here are my last two attempts. I color the hands that I think are drawn well. Enjoy!!

Friday, April 21, 2006
Chatting About The Weather
Monday, April 17, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
It's Fang-tastic !!

I just found out one of my heroes and inspirations, the talented John Fang, has his own website. Here's some sample pictures from his site. Head on over there and see the rest for yourself. He is simply amazing! I was introduced to his work through my brother who worked with him on the Cartoon Network show Ben 10. It was love at first site and now I study John's SB's to help better my own skills. You can probably even see his influence in a lot of my character concept pictures. Why are you still here? Head over there now!!
More Sharpie Sketches
Friday, March 31, 2006

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A legend exists of three robed figures that travel the Philippines. They visit homes and knock on the doors in the dead of the night. One of the occupants of the house they visited, usually the eldest or the most ill, would die soon thereafter. All that is known about them is that of the three, two are older men and one is a younger female. Legend has it that no one has ever dared talked to these mysterious figures. No one knows whether or not they are people, or demons, or perhaps the Philippines' very own angels of death. All that is known is that nothing ever tried can repel them from coming to your home (i.e. painting crosses on your door, hanging up trinkets used to repel aswangs, etc.) and that they also will go to churches, hospitals, and even government buildings to visit their intended recipient. And from what I gathered, you don't have to even answer the door. As long as they arrive at the house and knock on the door their job is done.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Sharpie Sketches
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Jestony Cleaned Up
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
More Character Roughs
Monday, March 06, 2006
Cartoon Character Concepts

I have several cartoon ideas floating around and over the weekend I decided to try my hand at drawing a few rough concepts of some of the characters. These were heavily influenced by Ben Caldwell and John Fang. Two extremely talented artists. I liked how these roughs turned out so I colored them. I still need to change a few things here and there but I enjoyed these a lot and will probably do a few more this week. I also missed drawing my segben so I'll have to post two aswangs this Friday. Enjoy!!
Friday, February 24, 2006
The Kapre

The Kapre are giants! How giant they are though is a mystery. Some say they are only 7-9 feet tall while others say they're so big that the cigar they smoke is the size of an average human leg! That, my friends, would be a giant! The Kapre are sort of the Filipino Saskwatch. They're tall, hairy, and I bet they have nasty wicked breath from smoking all the time. The Kapre love to just chill in trees, puffing away on their stogie, and watching over the forest. Some believe that the Kapre are responsible for making travelers become lost while others believe it is the Kapre who help lost travelers find their way. So, I once again chose them to be the good guys, and they are the watchers of the forest. They are my gentle giant gaurdians in all the stories I have developed about them. Despite the small controversy over how tall they are and whether or not they are malicious, there is no debate over what happens if you lasso a Kapre! If you ever come across a Kapre you're suppossed to lasso it and tie it around a balete tree. In the morning return to the same tree and the Kapre will be gone, but if you dig in the spot where he was you will discover a jar full of gold! Next week I'll talk about an animal-like creature with quite the hobby...eating shadows! Stay tuned for the Segben!!
Scared Of Fire?

Yes! The almighty Kapre are afraid of fire and metal objects. Many farmers carry jewelry and matches while traveling at night to ward the Kapre off. The Kapre are infamous for always smoking giant cigars so I used to always ask the Filipinos how the Kapre lit his cigar if he was so scared of fire....I never got an answer!!
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